Aiwibi-I will be...
To be your first and best choice
Morn than your expectation
Aiwibi-I will be...
To be your first and best choice
Morn than your expectation
Aiwibi-I will be...
To be your first and best choice
Morn than your expectation


AIWIBI, belonging to Australia Aiwibi Baby Care Pty Ltd and Yifar Industrial and Trading (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd, is specializing in providing the best products for babies. AIWIBI aims to provide more meticulous care for your babies, which has become the main motivation to drive AIWIBI moving forward.

From the beginning, AIWIBI has been devoting to improving its reputation and product innovation. AIWIBI is not only a brand, but more importantly, represents the attitude towards the responsibility in improving babies’ safety and all-round care.

Over the years, AIWIBI has been adhering to the concept that all babies deserve careful care and pure love without harm or danger. In order to achieve this goal, AIWIBI is committed to understanding the world of babies, identifying the needs of babies in a professional way, and maintaining the high quality of products. For instance, AIWIBI Baby Diapers and Baby Pants have passed the clinical test of Dermatest in Germany and are rated as “Excellent”, which is the highest quality test standard in the world from a safety point of view. Furthermore, it also obtained the certification of ISO9001, CE, GMPC, and FDA standards.

AIWIBI is on the way to be your first and best choice by always offering products and services more than your expectation.


AIWIBI -гийн Түүх

Aiwibi нь энгийн нэгэн амлалтаас үүссэн: "I will be (Би байх болно)", энэ нь мөрөөдөл, итгэл найдвар болон илүү сайхан ирээдүйд итгэх тухай юм.

Бүх хүүхэд өөрийн өвөрмөц ертөнц, өнгөлөг мөрөөдлөөрөө онцлог байдаг. Тэдний хүүхэд насыг бүрэн эдлэхийн тулд илүү их эрх чөлөө, тав тух хэрэгтэй бөгөөд тэд өөрсдийн мөрөөддөг хүн болох чадвартай. Энэ нь тэднийг эрүүл өсч бойжиход нь туслах болно. Бид бол энэ ертөнцийн эзэн биш, харин тэдний ертөнцийн нэг хэсэг нь юм, учир нь тэд өөрсдийн ертөнцийн эзэд юм.

Итгэл найдвар:
Бүх хүүхдүүд бол сахиусан тэнгэрүүд гэдгийг хүн бүр мэддэг. Тэд бидний ирээдүй бөгөөд эргэлзээгүйгээр цэвэр хайр, халамжийг хүртэх эрхтэй. Гэсэн хэдий ч бодит ертөнц нь тэдний хэрэгцээ, хүсэлд төдийлөн нийцэхгүй байна. Өнөө үед олон хүүхэд дайны хөнөөл, ядуурал, гэр бүлийн хүчирхийлэл, буруу боловсролын арга барилаас болж зовсоор байна. Бид бүгдээрээ эдгээр асуудлыг шийдвэрлэж, хүүхдүүддээ илүү аюулгүй ертөнцийг бий болгох үүрэгтэй.

Бидний итгэж байгаагаар, хэрвээ бид хүүхдүүддээ зориулан илүү сайхан ертөнцийг бүтээхийн тулд хамтдаа зүтгэвэл, илүү сайн ирээдүй ирэх болно, учир нь тэд бол бидний ирээдүй юм.



  • To create a better world for babies

Babies are pretty lovely and innocent, but also very vulnerable. AIWIBI is not only committed to providing comfortable diapers for your baby, but more importantly, it represents a responsible attitude towards improving baby’s all-round care and safety.of care and attention. Whether you're a new pet owner or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn about how to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

  • To be your first and best choice

Aiwibi diapers are manufactured in strict accordance with ISO standard production processes, while ensuring that they are free of dangerous chemicals, perfumes and lotions to minimize the risk of allergies and diaper rashes. Aiwibi diapers have passed the clinical test of Dermatest in Germany and are rated as “Excellent”, which is the highest quality test standard in the world from a safety point of view.

  • Premium quality & affordable price

AIWIBI aims to give the best care for babies by offering the premium products. We are trying our best to search for the best-quality raw materials worldwide to provide the best care for babies. Meanwhile, we are committed to supporting all families by offering them affordable price.

  • Innovation, Responsibility and Sharing

Innovation:We continually seek to make a difference, create value, and provide comfortable and safe products for babies.

Responsibility:we are fully responsible for and create value to babies, customers, employees, society ,environment and investors.We have a social responsibility to create value for babies, customers, employees, society, the environment, and our investors.

Sharing:we work together to make success and then share the value that we created with all parties involved.We share our success with our collaborators and supporters.